Tommee Tippee Ultra-Light Silicone Baby Pacifier
Feb 22nd
39% off

Was $17.00

The instinctive action of sucking helps keep baby soothed, and all parents know theres nothing more wonderful than a calm, content baby. Little mouths dont always hold onto heavy baby pacifiers, which means parents often need to replace the soother in their babys mouth every few minutes. Our Ultra-Light Silicone Pacifier is our lightest ever. Its light enough to stay put in babys mouth so they stay calmer, soothed and happier for longer. Soothers are known by many different names such as dummies, pacifiers, dodies, and binkies. Your babys oral development is an important factor to consider when giving your baby a pacifier which is why ours have been designed with oral development in mind. The symmetrical pacifier baglet allows your babys tongue and jaw to rest in the correct position, therefore supporting the healthy, natural development of your babys mouth, teeth and gums. The curved shield is designed to sit comfortably between babys chin and nose, while the holes in each side allow extra air flow. This prevents the build-up of moisture which helps to protect babys delicate skin against irritation. The BPA-free silicone baglet is super-soft and flexible while also being robust and durable. The smooth surface of silicone is very easy to clean and wont absorb stains and odors. The hygienic, anti-static properties prevent dust from settling and as it has a one-piece design, it is easy to cleanwash by hand or in the top shelf of the dishwasher and then pop into a sterilizer for extra cleanliness.

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